9th Aug 09.

So, i went to the Iron Cross Show today. It was kinda gross and boring at first, but eventually i got into mood and it was awesome! Why it was gross and boring? Well cuz..
1) 10 mins into the show 3 guys behind me were drunk and dancing like crazy. It was no problem untill one of them pushed me.
2) i did NOT know any of R Zarni's Songs. So, i was just standing there and yawning.
3) After R Zarni went in a dude behind me swearing his genitals with R Zarni's name. and it went on for a while even after Wine Wine came up onto the stage.
4) About an hour into the show and 2 singers had ald came up and i only knew one song! it was Wine Wine's. and damn it i forgot the name ald.
5) When Lay Phyu was singing Page 15, two dudes were hugging and dancing in front of me. :|
6) And some drunk guy jumped and landed his elbow onto my head!
7) and another drunk guy was waving his shirt so hard, it was hitting everyone's head near him including mine.
Yeah that was the first half of the show.
During the break, i went out and had a drink. By the time i went back in R zarni was ald done. :D
But still i did not know any of the songs wine wine was singing.
Everything changed when Myo Gyi came up the stage. i was in the mood and the rest was just awesome! I even sang along Lay Phyu's Min Mha Min Pal with one of the guys dancing earlier. :P But yeah the rest was Just awesome! i Jumped, Shouted, Jumped again and Shouted again, Sang along and Had fun. :D
Didn't Bring my camera so i didn't take any photos. :(

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  1. Anonymous

    ကင္မရာ ယူသြားလို႔ကေတာ့ အိမ္ေရာက္ရင္ အသည္းကြဲ သီခ်င္းဆိုေနရလိမ့္မယ္။ XP

  2. Thar Gi

    ယူလာတဲ့လူေတြ ႐ွိတယ္ဟ။ ငါ့နားမွာတင္ Canon ၂လံုုးနဲ႔ Nikon တစ္လံုုးေတြ႕ခဲ့တယ္။

  3. Anonymous

    =X *speechless*


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